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Train New Disciples to GO

The key to multiplying disciples is to train new disciples to obey Jesus' command and GO to reach and begin discipling others.

Yes, new disciples must continue to grow spiritually. Therefore they are part of a Discovery Bible Process where they are learning from God and obeying what they learn.

But while they are maturing in the Word, they must also learn to GO from Day One!

Discovery Verses. How Long is Required to Train a New Disciple to Go?

  • The Samaritan woman: John 4:28-30
  • The demoniac: Mark 5:18-20

How are new disciples trained to GO?

First, train new disciples to share their testimony:

1. They learn to share their testimony. Every new disciple has a testimony of how Christ has come into their life. Each disciple must be trained on how to share this testimony with another. Train the new disciple to share what their life was like before Christ, how they met and received Christ, and what their life is like afterward. They should be able to share this testimony in two minutes. They may be able to take more time, but they must be prepared to share it briefly.

2. They are encouraged to share their testimony immediately. Every new disciple can share his testimony if they know who to share it with. Discuss with them who they can share their testimony with: a friend, a family member, someone in their neighborhood, or someone they do business with.

3. Pray with the new disciple for those he plans to share his testimony with.

4. Expect accountability and ask the new disciple who they shared with and what happened.

Remember, every new disciple can share his testimony if he is taught what to say and who to share with.

Second, train new disciples to share the Gospel:

1. Train all new disciples on how to give a clear Gospel presentation using John 3:16, or the story of the Prodigal Son, or Scriptures from the Roman Road, or other clear verses that provide the essence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

2. Ask them to rehearse this presentation with you until they share it clearly and can answer some simple, basic questions.

3. Ask them who they can share the Gospel with and when they are going to share it. Pray with them for these people.

4. Expect accountability and ask the new disciple who they shared with and what happened.

Third, train new disciples to facilitate Discovery Bible study:

Through the process of on-the-job training, even new disciples can learn to facilitate a Discovery Bible Study. When a new disciple watches you facilitate a DBS, and then you allow him to facilitate while you watch, he can easily learn how to do it. Soon, a new disciple can begin and facilitate a new discovery group. He will continue to do DBS with you or his mentor and, at the same time, he can do it with his new group.

Disciples will rise to the level of our training and expectations. If we believe that they can fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus has given to all disciples and train them to do so, they can do it!