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Monthly Planning & Reporting for DMM Success

You may have a one-year or six-month plan in place, but you still need to make plans for the next one month.

Meet With Your Team

Work together with one other person or, even better, a team of people who are active and working with you in DMM. Remind your team of God's vision: “The Lord is not slow to fulfill His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Make Your Plan With Your Team

  1. New Areas or Villages. What new areas or villages do you plan to go to? Who will go where?
  2. Existing DBS Groups and House Churches. What existing DBS or house church groups are you following up on? How will you help them to obey and go out? If you have a group of DBS groups or House Churches in an area, are you planning to meet with the leaders of those groups?
  3. Baptisms. Are there plans for baptisms? Where?
  4. Training for Leaders. Are you planning to provide trainings for any leaders who are learning about DMM?
  5. Fundraise if Needed. Plan to fundraise in order to support this month’s plan. How much can your team raise? Your disciples? Are you reaching out to other people who have resources in order to share with them the DMM vision?


Once your plan is in place, implement it! Make sure each person on the team knows what they are going to do by when.

Report at the End of the Month

Provide a report to your team and coaches who provide accountability when the month is complete. Report on each element of the month's plan: New areas or villages visited, follow-up that took place on existing DBS groups and house churches, baptisms that took place, training for leaders that took place, and fundraising efforts.

Repeat and Plan Again for the Next Month!