From a talk presented by Emmanuel Mugisha in Kampala:
In Luke 15:3 we are encouraged to leave the 99 and go out to look for the one that is lost. There are a lot of migrants in our Strategy A churches from other churches, and we are happy and even clap hands that they have joined us. No interviews, no consulting their pastor but only welcome them. Yet the strategy that Jesus gives us is to go out and look for the person of peace.
If Jesus had not gone to the Samaritan woman, what would have happened to the Samaritan village? How long did Jesus take teaching the Samaritan woman before sending her to go to the Samaritan village? Jesus' disciples have not been called to come and sit as we teach in Strategy A. Rather, they are called to be immediately equipped and sent out. This is the focus of Strategy B.
Jesus called his disciples in order to make them fishers of men (disciples).
In strategy A there is a lot of ownership, titles, material things, issues about who owns the land, the buildings, the seats, and many other money issues. But in B it's backed up by God himself. No worries and struggling. When Jesus was giving out the great commission to his disciples, how big was the budget? He knew he was to be there with them, he was the provider.
The Bible doesn't give titles but descriptions or roles and the responsibility is equipping saints for the work of God. Do not become small gods in our house churches by giving ourselves titles. We need to be careful to avoid recognition and avoid special privileges as men or women of God. We are all children of God. If we make disciples and those disciples make disciples, they don't need to know us. Why should they?
Warning: a small house group can end up with strategy A habits. We don't need to be important if our house churches grow to 10 members. Important for what?? We equip people and do not require titles. Don't change the way you dress because the number has increased in your group and you are a group leader. The more you want to be bigger, the more you get problems. As long as we do Mathew 28:19-20, all things will be possible.
What is the church's command in the great commission? Obey to make disciples, gather people who have this common vision, and go out into the whole world. Followers of Jesus are those who are carrying out the great commission.